# Russia2018 The final will be the "eighth" match for Croatia in the World Cup


Source: StudioFootball

Sunday at 10am, the final of the World Cup between France and Croatia will be played at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow.

the title of favorite for this grand finale and it will be a game that will give a lot of spectacle.

France has a slight advantage over Croatia because the Croats played one more game at this World Cup. Zlatko Dalic has played three extra times up until now in the World Cup, tying the England record that in Italy 90.

In the round of 16 tied with Denmark at 1 within 120 minutes and qualified by the criminal with Danijel Subasic as hero, against Russia for the quarterfinals tied with Russia at 2 and the same was defined by the penalty and today before the England played again 120 minutes, but the Croatians took the match thanks to a goal from M Ario Mandzukic

Would it be in the final there will be a further extension and that Croatia will become the first team to play 4 more times in the same World Cup or will the Croatians play 90 minutes? 19659007]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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