# Russia2018 (VIDEO) was the hero: Lloris avoided the 1 to 0 of Uruguay


Source: StudioFútbol

In the victory of France by 2 goals to 0 on Uruguay and this meant the clbadification of Didier Deschamps's selection to the semifinals of a Cup of the World after 12 years ago there was a play that The match could have changed.

In the 43rd minute, Hugo Lloris, the French captain and goalkeeper, avoided the Charrúas draw after a header from Martín Cáceres and managed to gain the advantage thanks to Raphaël Varane's goal. It was probably helpful for the French to face the second half in a more calm and long-term way to win the victory and subsequent qualification to the semifinals where they will face Brazil or Belgium. .

#URUFRA [19659006] Lloris making a cup # WorldCupRussia2018 # Russia2018 pic.twitter.com/CDNdNAe1wi

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