Samsung Electronics Will Expand The Use Of Renewable Energy In Its Operations Centers – La República CE


Ecuador.- Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. announced its commitment to capitalize on its tremendous progress in energy efficiency and reducing air emissions, in order to expand the use of renewable energy in its operating centers. Samsung Electronics' renewable energy goals are part of the company's ongoing efforts to demonstrate its commitment to environmental responsibility.

Samsung Electronics is collaborating in the United States, Europe and China, in well-equipped infrastructure markets for the development and transmission of renewable energy, to increase the use of this type of energy. energy. As part of this effort, Samsung plans to use 100% renewable energy only in all of its plants, office buildings and operating facilities in the US, Europe and China. by 2020. In the medium and long term, the company will seek Consistent with this commitment, Samsung Electronics has subscribed to the Principles of Buyers of Renewable Energy from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

and joined the Renewable Business Center of the Rocky Mountain Institute.

In Korea, Samsung Electronics fully supports the government's national strategic plan to increase by 20% the use of renewable energy in the country by 2030. Starting this year, Samsung will install approximately 42,000㎡ of solar panels at Samsung Digital City's headquarters in Suwon. The company will continue to add about 21,000㎡ of solar panels and geothermal power plants starting in 2019 on its Pyeongtaek campus and by 2020 on its Hwaseong campus.

With all these initiatives in place, Samsung Electronics will be in a position to increase the use of renewable energy globally to equalize the amount of equivalent energy created by an average solar power plant of 3.1 GW in 2020 This total energy is comparable to the annual energy consumption of about 115,000 Korean households of four

As part of its extended strategy, Samsung Electronics will also involve its partners throughout the supply chain. 39; supply. Starting next year, Samsung plans to work with its top 100 corporate partners to help them set their own renewable energy goals, in partnership with the Carbon Disclosure Project Supply Chain Program. , to which the company intends to join.

"Samsung Electronics is fulfilling its corporate citizenship role in developing and supporting the use of renewable energy, and as our broader commitment demonstrates, we are focused on protecting our planet and protecting our planet. our duties as environmental guarantors "said Won Kyong Kim, executive vice president and head of global public affairs at Samsung Electronics.]

" We welcome the declaration of Samsung Electronics to expand the deployment of renewable energy on its global sites, "said Jochem Verberne, director of WWF's global alliances." This is a milestone and we are looking forward to working with Samsung on D & # 39; s. 39 other measures to reduce the company's climate impact on its value chains. "

More details on the renewable energy plans of the company rise of Samsung Electronics 2018 on June 15th.

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