Santos continues to seek a ceasefire with ELN before the month of August


Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos reiterated Thursday that he was seeking to reach a ceasefire with the ELN guerrillas before the end of his government, which will be August 7 next. 19659002] "With ELN we are studying to sign a provisional ceasefire and a framework agreement (…), we want to deliver to the next government a continuous process with very solid bases," said the president during the installation in Bogota National meeting of advisers and advisers for peace

Similarly, the commissioner for peace, Rodrigo Rivera, told the press that the negotiations with the ELN, which are held in Havana, Cuba since May, are "Go ahead" to deliver the country and the elected president, Iván Duque, the "best possible legacy".}

"We remain optimistic, l & # President's instruction is that until the last minute and the day of this government we go While trying to get those differences are resolved, are resolved, in order to have a cease-and-desist agreement. bilateral and temporary fire, "said Rivera.

The Commissioner for Peace detailed that the communities living in the areas "" Due to the clashes with the ELN, they asked that it be a cease-and-desist. fire, then the leader asked that there be a "desire for peace and common sense" to move towards a "viable and positive" agreement.

the negotiation, the guerrillas have fled in the cessation of their hostilities four times; the first was carried out bilaterally with the government of Juan Manuel Santos and, subsequently, it is the same organization that accepted the ceasefire for the three days of elections that the country has known this year.


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