Santos expresses concern over death threats against journalists – La República CE


Photo courtesy of the United Nations showing Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, while he was delivering a speech on peacebuilding at UN Headquarters in New York (United States of America). United States) today, April 24, 2018. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos today told the UN that his country's experience shows that it is "possible" "to put an end to the most complex conflicts and to repair the wounds caused by these conflicts. EFE / Evan Schneider / UN / ONLY EDITORIAL USE / PROHIBITED SALE

Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos today said to worry about "a lot" of the death threats that several journalists reported receiving.

"Threats against journalists m 'worry a lot because it must be the product of an entire wave to generate all kinds of anxiety and fear," Santos in an interview at the station of Santo Tomás.

Several Colombian journalists, including Jineth Bedoya, María Jimena Duzán, Yolanda Ruiz and members of the La Silla Vacía digital press, denounced death threats by way of pamphlets and the Internet on Monday

. they are very interested in the multiplication of this fear, because they can manipulate the population more easily.

In turn, the director of the National Police, General Jorge Nieto, said that and created a cyber-police group to investigate the threats.

"We have the elite police corps that badists in every particular case.Each case is a priority that is badyzed by the Office of the Prosecutor and the police," said the general.

Nieto pointed out that although 80% of complaints based on threats by brochures are rejected by the authorities, "he does not want to say that they are fired.

" Each complaint has special treatment to investigate the origin of intimidation. "He added

Duzán, who has been columnist for several newspapers and is currently writing for Semana, claimed in his Twitter account that someone who "Social leader of the 21st century" sent him a threatening message.

The truth that Colombians do at home that Mrs. Maria Jimena Duzán must be raped, spit, chopped with a chainsaw and hooked to the Plaza de Bolívar: Honoring the paramilitary (sic), "said the threat against Duzán.

For his part, Bedoya, an El Tiempo journalist and activist against the badual violence of which he was a victim, as well as communicators from The Empty Chair said that they had been threatened by a brochure by the illegal armed group Central Block of the Black Eagles.

"This time we do not play, on the date we carry out the total execution of our warnings for several years and not They were heard by these guerrilla militias disguised as supposed leaders and social leaders", indicates the letter dated July 14th.

Intimidation calls against some of the NCR journalists, including the director, were also reported this morning. of RCN Radio, Yolanda Ruiz

In this regard, the International Press Association of Colombia (Apic) has expressed concern and its "deep rejection" of threats The death of communicators.

"The Apic asks the authorities for the protection of these people," said the Association in a statement, adding that it is necessary to "support experts in cybercrime from others country to give "

The Círculo de Periodistas de Bogotá (CPB), for its part, repudiated the threats and baderted that" as a union entity it is ", this" extension to trade union colleagues "was also threatened.

" For the CPB, it is alarming to note that these threats are not only repetitive against these colleagues and others but indicate that they constitute a program. established organizations to reduce freedom of expression, "concluded the Bogotá journalists' circle EFE

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