Scattered hair volume, quality and economic transplants in Ecuador


Hair loss in men and women can become a serious aesthetic and emotional problem. The solution could be expensive, although luckily there have been effective alternatives and better access for the majority. The Capillary Center Scatter in Quito, for example, offers a large advantage in the price of hair transplants compared to other similar centers in the country.

Competitive Costs

Currently on the Ecuadorian market the price of a hair transplant ranges from 2500 USD to 4500 USD. The Scatter Hair Center offers this treatment from US $ 500 and makes available to its users financing plans to defer the price in small installments.

Scatter's hair transplants consist of three sessions organized as follows:

 First session: the most important hair transplant is performed, since the specialist implants the first hair on the patient, and realizes the conception of the frontal line. Then there will be a follow-up. The prices of the following hair transplants are at no cost to the client.

 Second session: this is the control. It's done three months after the first intervention. At this point, the patient should tell the professional how he has seen the evolution of the procedure performed. If the patient needs more hair, a new procedure is scheduled at no additional cost.

 Third session: it will be done three months after the second intervention. The goal is to monitor that the progress of the hair transplant performed is correct and to ensure the patient's satisfaction with the procedure. If it is necessary to graft more hair even in this third session, the intervention is again performed without additional cost to the patient.

More Transplanted Hair

Fully automated processes allow Scatter to decrease intervention time and hence the price of hair transplants, in addition to reaching a high percentage of hair transplant growth.

One of the most common problems that prevents the growth of transplanted units is the excessive handling that the follicle undergoes during the execution of the procedure, which reduces the likelihood of its growth once transplanted more than 40%.

"In the Scatter Capillary Center every follicle is transplanted without undergoing any kind of abuse, that's one of the so many reasons why our transplants of hair are of better quality and economic, "they argue.

The Scatter Hair Center not only has advanced technology, but also offers hair transplants at very low prices with payment plans. "We know the high cost and difficulty of access. For this reason, we offer you a quality option at affordable prices. If you would like to have more information about prices, come to our offices and we will gladly provide you with price information, "says one.

" Not only do we have the equipment on the best and most modern hair donor area and transplantation in the area the patient needs, the amount of hair we can transplant is almost unlimited, "they add

If you are looking for a hair transplant in Ecuador Scatter is your best option since we have the best technology at the national level. We are the first center to offer hair transplants with fully automated processes. No matter which city you are in, you can contact us and we will provide you with the best advice so that you can perform a transplant in Quito .

We have highly qualified counselors with whom you will be able to observe the results you will have previously to practice your hair surgery in Quito, Ecuador. Even if you are out of town, we can help you with information and coordinate your appointment: all hair transplants are done in Quito, Ecuador. It will be a pleasure to help you with information.

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