Scientists verify the effectiveness of the Belladonna plant against prostate cancer – La República CE


REFERENCE | Image taken from Confidential

Scientists from the National School of Medicine and Homeopathy (ENMH) have checked the effectiveness of the plant Belladonna against the cancer of the prostate reported the Institute. In a statement, the National Polytechnic (IPN) of Mexico

According to researchers, after five years of studies, molecular tests of extracts, fractions and pure compounds of the Kalanchoe flammea plant have shown the presence of secondary metabolites called glycosides. cardiotonicos and terpenes, to name a few

Led by Dr. Cynthia Ordaz Pichardo, scientists conducted preclinical studies of the extract (in vitro and in vivo) of the Kalanchoe plant flammea

. Tumor cells and in healthy cells to exclude any damage to the latter, and the " Belladonna " was safe With these results, a patent was filed for the use of the components of the plant in this type of dysplasia on behalf of IPN.

The researchers explained that they evaluated extracts, fractions and pure compounds in animal models. First, in a mouse xenotransplantation model to demonstrate antitumor activity.

Next, they evaluated the toxicity of Kalanchoe flammea in rats and rabbits, which were subjected to laboratory studies and histopathological badyzes.

The research protocol also included pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interactions, so that tests of the Belladona extract in combination with the drug Docetaxel were repeated again.

Dr. Ordaz Pichardo explained that there was a synergy between the two treatments that helped kill the tumor cells, decreasing the concentrations and doses of the extract and drug without harming healthy cells.

The specialist indicated that the mixture of the extract of Belladona with Docetaxel diminished the side effects of collateral diseases, in addition to improving the quality and life expectancy in the mod elo de xenotrasplante murino

He expressed his enthusiasm to conclude quickly the tests on patients to put the drug on the market, with scientific support, and to make the technology transfer that allows its marketing and marketing. internationalization of the patent. The scientists said that they would begin the clinical phase in patients to obtain an herbal drug that is marketed in a controlled manner.

Belladonna is a medicinal plant known for its badgesic properties, used in the treatment of asthma, menstrual pain or stomach ulcer EFE


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