Soso: "Emelec hiring is the decision of the president and management"


Source: StudioFútbol

Mariano Soso, technical director of the Emelec Sport Club, spoke Sunday afternoon with the media after the bitter draw with two goals against Macará in Ambato.

He said: "Macará did not have more options than the concrete ones and unfortunately they were effective but we canceled in an acceptable way what the opponent was proposing."

"We have gained knowledge with the team and we are observing important values ​​Come," said the strategist of the last local tournament champion.

Regarding signatures, Soso acknowledged that he is not involved in that … "The hiring that the club can perform is the decision of the management and the president, with a view to "We must have better individual versions of the team in order to grow at the collective level," he said 9002] Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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