South Africa and the world celebrate the memory of Nelson Mandela on the occasion of his centenary – La República CE


Winnie and Nelson Mandela-

The day he was 100 years old, South Africa and the international community paid tribute today to the memory of Nelson Mandela the most famous hero of the fight against the regime of racial segregation of "19459008] apartheid ".

In his native country, a grand official act in the region where he was born – the Eastern Cape Province – brought together the country's president, Cyril Ramaphosa, former heads of state and colleagues from the United States. African National Congress (ANC) to celebrate the legacy of this "fearless" fighter who gave his life to the dream of achieving a just society for all. " Sacrificed his career as a lawyer sacrificed his freedom . Even confronted with the perspective of the death penalty defiant reaffirmed the moral superiority of the ideals of freedom [19659004] Justice and Equality recalled Ramaphosa today, who was the first black and democratic president of the country.

While in Johannesburg, his third wife, Graça Machel, led a symbolic march from the "long road to freedom" of Mandela escorted by personalities like former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan or British tycoon Richard Branson

But in the margins of events Significantly, thousands of South African anonymous have participated in food donation and coverage campaigns, concerts, sporting events and conferences that have occurred across the country with solidarity as a cross-cutting value. [19659003] Even Frederik de Klerk, the last Afrikaner president of South Africa and the man next to whom ] Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for his work Apartheid's dismantling spouse, he sent a message reminding him that he was not only a "great politician" but also a "great man" and an "example".

In social networks, messages with famous quotes from " Madiba " (as Mandela is popularly known in his country) and thank you words multiplied under the labels "Mandela100", "MandelaDay" "And" BeTheLegacy "(Be the Legacy), sent not only from South Africa but from all over the world.

International institutions such as the UN and political leaders of All sorts of things have contributed, from British Prime Minister Theresa May to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez

Latin American Presidents Michel Temer (Brazil) and Nicolás Maduro ( Venezuela) and Andrés Manuel López Obrador (President Elect of Mexico) also

" I have had the chance to meet Nelson Mandela on several occasions and I have always been impressed by his wisdom and his compbad sion . Madiba has shown us that values ​​such as forgiveness respect and service are not just words but concrete actions that we can all undertake "said António, UN Secretary-General. Guterres, on the occasion of the centenary.

"Happy 100th Birthday Tata (…) I will always be blessed by 20 years of love, wisdom and guidance.I still love you," said former model Naomi Campbell of the same way, with a photo of her with Mandela.

The variety of tributes proves that the legacy of Mandela – dated 2013- He crossed the borders to become a World Heritage Site despite being born in a region remote African rural destined to become a counselor of a true family of Xhosa ethnicity.

Therefore, Mandela is also he remembered these days, for example, with exhibitions in London and Argentina and with an act at the UN headquarters in New York where not only politicians but also Hollywood actors.

Even the famous statue of Manneken Nelson Mandela .

On Tuesday, the South African leader had also received the homage of one of his most famous admirers admitted, former US President Barack Obama, who traveled to South Africa for to be the honorary president at a conference organized by the Mandela Foundation in a Johannesburg stadium.

"Madiba reminds us that no one is born hating another because of the color of their skin People learn to hate and they can learn to hate, they can learn to love, love is more natural to the human heart, "Obama told 15,000 people.

Tributes will not stop today, but at least in South Africa, will continue until December, when the Global Citizen music festival will bring the country to stars such as Beyoncé, Chris Martin and Ed Sheeran. EFE


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