Spanish justice renounces the extradition of Puigdemont for embezzlement – La República CE


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The Spanish Supreme Court (TS) has withdrawn today the euroorden against the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and resigned to try it in Spain only for the crime of

It is the response of the Spanish judge Pablo Llarena to the decision that then pbaded the Territorial Court of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany), which did not see the offense of rebellion attributable to the Catalan separatist leader

Llarena will not bring the case before the Court of Justice of the European Union, although arrest warrants can be reactivated at any time or that new mandates are issued.

Judge Llarena also withdrew the European arrest warrants and the delivery of the remaining five Catalan separatist politicians who are fugitive in Belgium, Scotland and Switzerland.

In addition to embezzlement, the euro The Spanish judge Pablo Llarena claimed Puigdemont also for a crime of rebellion in connection with the unconstitutional process of Catalan independence of 2017.

This means that the ex-Catalan leader, who remains in Germany on bail, he could not return to Spain, where he would automatically be detained, until 20 years have elapsed, the time it lasts. It is necessary to prescribe the crime of rebellion

"Today is a day to demand with more force than ever the freedom of prisoners.political prisoners.Removal of OEDE (European Orders of Arrest and surrender) is the demonstration of the immense weakness of the court case, claimed Puigdemont on Twitter as soon as he heard about the decision of Llarena

" Revoke the prison Preventive will be the demonstration that Spanish justice begins to act as a European "he added in his message on the social network.

This is the second time that the judge withdraws an euroorden against Puigdemont, once last December, he did the same when the former Catalan leader was in Belgium, before that the authorities of this country do not reduce the possibility of judging him for all the crimes attributed to him.

from Finland, Puigdemont was arrested on March 25 by German police while he was attempting to drive back to Belgium, where he had fled last October to avoid Spanish justice

The Spanish executive, protected by the Constitution, dismissed Puigdemont and all his councilors on October 27, 2017, after the regional parliament approved a declaration favoring the unilateral independence of Catalonia.

On June 12, the Schleswig-Holstein Territorial Hearing, the German state where he was arrested Puigdemont, resolved to extradite him to Spain for committing a crime of embezzlement. funds for the organization of an illegal "self-determination" referendum on 1 October 2017.

However, the German court explained that the degree of violence "sufficient" to consider the crime of "self-determination" rebellion did not take place.

"The amount of violence that predicts the crime of high treason (the German equivalent of the type of Spanish rebellion) has not been reached in the clashes in Spain," he argued. in the judicial resolution on the incidents of the day of the referendum.

Neither of them admitted the crime of disturbance of public order, which also raised the Spanish justice in the event that the crime of rebellion was not finally admitted, Puigdemont "was not the spiritual leader of the violent actions."

In his order, the Judge Llarena accuses "the lack of commitment of the Schleswig-Holstein Regional Court" by "facts which could have

For the magistrate, the German judges should have limited themselves to check whether the facts described by the Spanish jurisdiction are provided for in their legislation and highlight the court's "lack of commitment" German.

In addition to Puigdemont, Judge Llarena sued a dozen pro-independence rulers for embezzlement and rebellion crimes, nine of whom are in custody in Spain and four are still fleeing abroad.

In Spain, nine Catalan independence leaders are still in pre-trial detention, including the former vice-president of the executive of Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras. All were transferred from Madrid prisons to others in Catalonia to bring them closer to their families.

In Belgium, former councilors of the former regional government of Catalonia Antonio Comín, claimed by the Spanish justice for the rebellion, and Luis Puig and Meritxell remain free. Serret, to whom the crimes of embezzlement and disobedience weigh

Also by rebellion, the former prosecutor Clara Ponsatí, who is in Scotland, and the leader of the ERC (republicans independence left) Marta Rovira , have fled to Switzerland. . EFE


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