STRENGTHENING THE DEFENSE: Ridder Alcivar joins the city of Guayaquil


Source: StudioFootball

The city team is still strengthened for the start of the second stage of the Havoline Lubricants Cup. The city of Guayaquil wants to enter an international tournament.

Through its social networks, the Guayaquil club officially announces the hiring of defender Ridder Alcívar, who arrives from the youth clan of Serie B.

A new reinforcement comes to our welcome Welcome Ridder! ⚠?

Name: Ridder Alcivar ??
Position: Defense ??
Nationality: Ecuadorian ??
#VamosCity #ElEquipeDeLaCiudad #ConElCorazonAMil

– Guayaquil City FC (@GuayaquilCityFC) July 14, 2018

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