Syrian government urges refugees to return after recovering much of the country


(AP Photo / Lefteris Pitarakis, archive)

The Syrian government has today urged the millions of its citizens who are out of the country to return home after the national army took over the control of the vast Syria .

"The Syrian state calls for citizens forced by war and terrorist attacks to leave the country to return to their country, after the liberation of most areas under the control of terrorists" the press release ministerial quoted the official SANA news agency.

The note, addressed to the 6.3 million refugees The Syrians who according to the United Nations fled the war towards other countries, added that the government of Damascus is responsible for its citizens, their security, in addition to guaranteeing their daily needs so that they have a "However, he stressed that humanitarian organizations and the international community " should shoulder their responsibilities and help provide the means for voluntary return Syrian citizens in their country. "[

At the same time, Foreign asked "the lifting of unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people, which was one more reason for the Syrians to leave" the country, in reference to economic sanctions

In recent months, government forces have regained control of vast areas that were in the hands of rebels, including the eastern Guta region, which was the main stronghold of opposition to outside Damascus until today. April

Since June 19, the army and its allies have been conducting an offensive to restore their absolute control over the province. south of Deraa, one of the last where are rebel factions and Islamists. EFE

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