Telefónica reduces revenue in Latin America due to the impact of foreign currencies – La República EC


The Spanish multinational Telefonica reduced its revenues in Spanish America in the first half compared to the same period of 2017, 13.7% in the southern countries (Argentina, Chile, Peru and Uruguay) and 9.7% in the North (Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Central America and Ecuador ).

In the presentation of its accounts for the period January-June, the company further divided the results in the Latin American countries into those present in two regions, Hispano-South America and the United States. 39; Hispano-North America

In the region that includes Argentina, Chile, Peru and Uruguay, the turnover decreased by 13.7% to 3.631 million d & # 39; euros. millions of dollars), although they increased by 8.2% in organic terms (at constant exchange rate and with no change in scope).

Gross operating income (OIBDA) was contracted by 13.4%, although there was an increase of 9.8% in organic terms.

In Argentina, for example, revenues declined by 18.7% due to the impact of currencies, since in organic terms they rose by 23.6%, while 39; OIBDA fell by 8.7%, although in organic terms it was Telefónica has 57.5 million customers in South America, or 3.7% more than it. a year ago.

Pay TV customers accelerated their growth from one year to the next. 9% in the second quarter (compared to 7% in the first quarter) due to the excellent performance of the service in Peru, where a record number of registrations was again pulled by the continuous improvement of the Content offer.

The deployment of fiber already reaches 7.4 million real estate units (homes and businesses).

Investment over the period amounted to 553 million euros ($ 648 million) and was mainly used for the deployment of fiber networks and the expansion and expansion Network improvement

In Latin America North, the turnover decreased by 9.7% to 1.998 million euros (2,343 million dollars), or 1.3% in organic, and the number decreases by 29%, In 1965, Telefónica reduced its revenues by 80.6% and OIBDA by 96.5%

. euros ($ 193 million) between January and June, representing a year-over-year decrease of 36% and was mainly aimed at the improvement and expansion of fixed and mobile networks. EFE

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