tenebrous confluence – The EC Republic


J. Eduardo Ponce Vivanco
Lima, Peru

The information that will continue to appear about the multiform corruption that overwhelms us will converge with the darkness of Lava Jato.

This means that the situation we are facing is far from being temporary. what is discovered in each case will affect and complicate the other.

The much greater magnitude of the first requires to badume that the progress of investigations conducted in Brazil and in all affected countries will shed light on local mysteries and characters for example, a national newspaper has read that A Swiss prosecutor has seized the servers that run the programs MyWebDay and Drousys, which store several "terabytes" of data on the records that are calculated.

Bribes channeled through the Structured Operations Division of Odebrecht.

He also stated that the Peruvian Prosecutor's Office made such intense and futile efforts that the Swiss authorities share information with Peru.

The agitation that will provoke this informative confluence will be immense and will coincide with the process of the current regional and municipal elections

. the economic recovery we all see indicates that the domestic market has learned to absorb large-scale shocks.

This is a phenomenon that shows the political disaffection shown in the polls, through the impressive percentage of those who admit to not experiencing events as shocking as the ones we will comment on (a third declares himself ignorant of the audios that abound in means and networks).

Congratulations because the investment and economic growth that it generates are the only ways to neutralize the left by taking the streets and mines, demanding elections presidential elections, closing Congress and new Constitution.

The international context must be watched with concern.

To the trade war between the great powers and the clumsy provocations – external and internal – of Trump will add trances closer: López Obrador will badume the presidency of Mexico on December 1, and a month later it will be made by anyone who is elected President of Brazil.

With the prevailing uncertainty in the two largest economies in the region adds the weakening of the Macri government in Argentina.

And because of its cultural proximity, the turn of the Spanish socialist government against Venezuela (Podemos, an ally of Pedro Sánchez, was a close adviser of Chavismo) will be unfavorable to the Lima Group (and it will not be positive to fight Ortega in Nicaragua).

The strengthening of the Pacific Alliance – with the addition of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore as Associated States – injects vigor we need to compensate for the geopolitical and commercial tensions that can affect us.

The XIII Presidential Summit of the PA in Puerto Vallarta (in a few days) will be the great international premier of President Vizcarra, because Peru will badume the Presidency pro tempore of the deeper and more promising deepening process that we have seen in Latin America.


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