Thailand is preparing for the second day of rescue in the cave


Mae Sai (Thailand), (EFE) .- The Thai authorities are preparing today for the second day of the rescue mission of the nine people who were trapped for more than two weeks in a cave in North country. the "success" of the operation Sunday, in which four children were killed

Narongsak Ossottanakorn, official spokesman for the agents, said last night at a press conference that the Rescue teams would resume tasks between 07:00 and 17:00 local time (24:00 and 10:00 GMT) Monday, but avoided specifying the exact time.

Rescue personnel must replace used compressed air cylinders during the 4-kilometer road trip abroad and reevaluate conditions in the partial flood of the cavity, located in the northern province of Chiang Rai.

Four of the thirteen people trapped were rescued on Sunday and taken to hospital. The first survivor was at 17:40 local time (10:40 GMT) and the second one ten minutes later, while the other two were delayed more than two o'clock.

Thai Minister of the Interior Anupong Paochinda, told local media today that everyone is safe and sound, although the newspaper "The Nation" reports Health sources that at least one of them would be under observation His health worsened.

This first evacuation operation took place three hours earlier than planned by the authorities, who did not give more information than what happened in the underground tunnels

about 4 kilometers deep where they were found on day 2 after a search and rescue mission that began 16 days ago.

The arrival Saturday of a rainy season in the region and that it will last for much of the week marking the beginning of the rescue operation.

Precipitation is one of the main concerns of the authorities, because the water filtered by the mountain can re-flood the galleries and cancel the drainage. carried out since they were found alive 12 schoolchildren – between 11 and 16 years old and their guardian – 26 –

The thirteen entered the galleries on Saturday, June 23 after a football training during the summer. a sudden storm. he began to flood the cavity and cut the exit

The discovery of the group came after nine days of intense research in which more than 1,300 people participated. EFE

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