Thalia joined the #LaChonaChallenge challenge and generated controversy


Thalía was the last celebrity to join #LaChonaChallenge, a Latin version of the #InMyFeelingsChallenge challenge, and although the video went viral, the singer's comments were negative.

The 46-year-old artist was criticized after uploading a dance video "In My Feelings & # 39; of Drake while the car was in motion

User reactions did not wait, because they accused her of giving the wrong example to young people and l & # 's 39 have described it as irresponsible.

"What a bad example of stupidity for his followers! What danger do you please do not follow this lack of incompatible responsibility" commented on an Instagram user.

"Stupid ideas as always damaging the spirit of young people" expressed an indignant user.

Although the famous challenge is considered dangerous, it is fashionable among celebrities like Will Smith, Milly, Bobbie Brown, Ciara and Ryan Seacrest and has undoubtedly caused a stir in the networks.

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