"Thank you and good luck": farewell from Emelec to Ayrton Preciado


Source: StudioFútbol

Moments after the Sport Club Emelec beat the University Technician the blue midfielder Ayrton Preciado confirmed his transfer to Santos Laguna de México.

Immediately the Mexican club hosted it until the end through a publication on their social networks.

And finally the Emelec Sport Club has dedicated an emotional farewell at the end of the 24 years, which arrived in 2017.

"Club Sport Emelec formalizes the sale of the federative and economic rights of the player Ayrton Preciado. of the club in 2017. Thank you and good luck! "The message that the box" electric "shared on his Twitter account

Preciado played a total of 42 games for the" millionaires "and scored A total of 17 goals, becoming one of the most important players of the title that Emelec got in 2017.

Club Sport Emelec formalizes the sale of the federative and economic rights of the player Ayrton Preciado, champion and figure of the club in 2017. Thank you and good luck! 19 pic.twitter.com/YaGXMP3Ccm

– Club Sport Emelec (@CSEmelec) July 22, 2018

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