The 4 have benefited from the departure of Cristiano from Real Madrid


Source: AS

With the departure of Cristiano to Juventus in exchange for 105 million euros, Madrid loses the player with the best records in the history of the white club: 450 goals in 438 matches with Madrid shirt. Now that the departure of the reference player from Madrid has been consumed in the past decade, white fans are asking Florentino to make an effort to keep his star. But there is within the Real Madrid team that could benefit from his departure from the club.


Gareth Bale would be one of the most favored if not the most. Recall that the attacker came to Madrid as the star of the 101 million with an almost fixed position in the team but the continuous injuries have made, during these last two seasons, his role in the eleven is not so relevant: in the 2016-17 played 27 games and scored nine goals; in the course that just ended, he recovered slightly, with 39 matches and 21 goals, but well below the 44 games played by Cristiano, with 44 goals.

His substitution for the last two Champions League finals (that of 2016-17, in his hometown, Cardiff) did not play well with the Welshman and eventually explode at the end of the match at Kiev, where he was one of the protagonists with an incredible goal of Chile: "I will talk this summer with my agent, I need to play more.I am not happy with the minutes that I played this year .It was a disappointment not to be a starter in the final. " To this day, Bale seems to have seen the opportunity to regain his position in the eleven with the departure of the Portuguese since this meeting with his agent has been canceled. The departure of Cristiano would automatically convert him into the first reference of the white attack in every sense: game pieces, direct fouls, penalty shots …


Marco Asensio is, for many, the ideal substitute of Cristiano. At a young age (22 years), he is dazzled by the public Bernabéu because of its high quality, but its presence in the starting lineup is rare, especially among champions: twelve European matches in 2017-18 he played only three the beginning. Having another striker like Cristiano, who plays virtually every game, reduces opportunities for those knocking on the front door, among which the Majorcan stands out . The last course played 53 games, the longest with Lucas, but in the minutes that were played, he remained in the thirteenth place in the team; that is to say, it matters a lot, but it costs him to enter the eleven. Christian's departure would facilitate his candidacy to the starting team


Playing with the bbC or with four midfielders was one of Zidane's main dilemmas during his coaching position at Real Madrid; it was also for Ancelotti and Benítez. Although the French initially gave an almost indisputable preference to the three forwards, who played their first Champions League final against Atletico in Milan, Isco proved to Zizou that he deserved a place in the eleven Team. Between the League and the Champions played a total of 41 games, of which 31 entered. The Malaga was part of the local team in the finals of Cardiff and Kiev, moving Bale to the bench in both cases. Without Cristiano on the list, there is room for Andalusians and Welsh.

Lucas Vázquez

Lucas Vázquez has always been the perfect substitute for Zidane. Play what he's played without putting on a bad face or saying a word too much, despite generally deserved more minutes than he has received. Of the 53 games that he has played last season (most of the team with Asensio), more than half have made it to replace some of his teammates who have left the bench. However, it can not be said that the Galician winger does not fight to win more minutes and his remarkable stats approve him: he gave eleven badists (the most of it). white team in 2017-18), caused five penalties and added eight goals to his personal account. Text by Teresa Rodríguez for DIÁRIO AS

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