The Ambassador of the United States visits three provinces of the Ecuadorian Amazon – La República CE


Todd Chapman

The US Ambbadador in in Ecuador Todd Chapman, traveled to the Amazon from the Andean country to visit three provinces, today informed the country's diplomatic legation North American

. the diplomat includes visits from Archidona and Tena in the province of Napo; Puyo and Shell in Pastaza and Macas in the province of Morona Santiago, to highlight the activities of the American Mission. It is organized to support the Amazon region, said the Embbady in a statement.

During his visit – which will end next Thursday – it is planned to meet mayors, prefects, governors, communities and members of civil society to find out more. Work and attractions of each province.

In each locality will try to meet teachers and students to encourage them to participate in the programs sponsored by the Embbady and share with them the benefits of education abroad, says the letter. 19659003] Details that Archidona visited the factory of an American company that produces guayusa-based beverages while promoting conservation of rainforest biodiversity and that supports independent farmers to be self-sufficient.

In the province of Pastaza, his program includes visits to several places of tourist interest with the authorities of the province where he hopes to speak, in addition, with representatives of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of 39; Amazonia (Cofeniae)

In Morona Santiago, he will visit the tourist and cultural attractions of the city of Macas, as well as the Plaza Twintza and the parish Asunción

] During his visit to Tena, the ambbadador announced a new $ 10,000 grant for study abroad awarded to the Regional Amazon University, IKIAM, which will support a program of studies on biodiversity in the Amazon.

The diplomat's trip underlines the US government's commitment. Ecuador and in particular from the Amazon region.

It also puts emphasis on support for higher education and, in general terms, emphasizes "the firm and wide bilateral relationship that united the United States and Ecuador " the declaration ends. EFE

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