The Assembly urges to call Venezuela a "humanitarian crisis"


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro (c), celebrating with his wife Cilia Flores (cd), after hearing the results of the elections today, Sunday, May 20, 2018, in Caracas ( Venezuela). The President of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela, Tibisay Lucena, announced that the head of state, Nicolás Maduro, was re-elected to his post with 5,823,728 votes. EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez

The National Assembly (Parliament) of Ecuador today urged the executive of his country to describe the situation in Venezuela as a "humanitarian crisis" and ask that it be created a channel between the two countries to cope with the high emigration of Venezuelans.

By a resolution, the legislature asked the government to declare "Vulnerability" to Ecuadorians residing in Venezuela and that activate protocols to help Ecuador Venezuelan immigrants fleeing the crisis in their country.

The resolution of the badembly, approved by 72 legislators present in a session that missed sixty, urged the country's president, Lenin Moreno, to "evaluate the necessity and relevance of an official declaration " which describes the situation in Venezuela as a" humanitarian and social crisis "

The parliamentarians considered that the situation in Venezuela led to a mbadive immigration of Venezuelans into the region. They therefore suggested, where appropriate, "to define with the national and international organizations the opening of a channel". " Ecuador and Venezuela.

Similarly, the Parliament of Ecuador dominated by the ruling party and the allies of right-wing groups, expressed concern over the" social crisis "Venezuela's economic and political situation" that "engendered restrictions in the exercise of the right to health, food and other human rights."

This situation affects "the Venezuelan people and the community of Ecuadorians" residing in Venezuela, specifies the text of the resolution.

In addition, the Assembly calls on the government "to badess and declare the state of vulnerability" of Ecuadorian residents and in the Bolivarian Republic and that protocols are activated to "protect the rights of Venezuelan citizens who enter the country fleeing the crisis "in their country.

The National Assembly called on the Ecuadorian executive to seek the efforts of agencies such as the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the Vatican, the Red Cross, among others, to support the "timely re-establishment of travel documents necessary for safe and dignified human mobility" of Venezuelan citizens. [19659004] He also asks the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ask Venezuela and international organizations to help protect "the rights of the Venezuelan people living in Ecuador and those in transit to d & # 39; 39, other countries. "

The Assembly's declaration comes at a time when President Moreno has criticized the government of his Venezuelan colleague Nic olás Maduro, for the defense and support of the latter to his political foe and former Ecuadorean Rafael Correa.

"We are a country of peace, we are a tolerant country, we reactively react to international issues, out of respect and tolerance, but tolerance has a limit, and please, do not not exceed " Moreno said today during a meeting with foreign media in Quito

Maduro on Wednesday asked to stop the" persecution "against Correa, which is required by Ecuadorian justice in connection with a case of attempted kidnapping of an ex-exile legislator in 2012.

As a harbinger, Moreno today called democracy "bizarre" in Venezuela, which holds, he said, "without the participation of the opposition" and "with a limited possibility of international observation."

"It's not in what we consider the norm of democracy" he argued, although he also showed his rejection of n & # 39; Any attempt at military intervention in Venezuela. EFE

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