THE BEST: The candidates for the "best trainer"!


Source: Mundo Deportivo

The FIFA announced today the 10 candidates to win the best coach in the men's football category in the 2017-18 season among the Spanish. Ernesto Valverde league and cup champion with Barça, Pep Guardiola league champion and league cup with Manchester City; Robert Martinez third in the World Cup with Belgium; and Zinedine Zidane for having been champion of the Champions League with Real Madrid; Diego Simeone champion of the Europa League with Atlético de Madrid; and Didier Deschamps world champion Don France

The following is the list:

Mbadimiliano Allegri (Italy / Juventus)

Stanislav Cherchesov (Russia, Russian national team) [19659002] Zlatko Dalic (Croatia / Croatia team)

Didier Deschamps (France / French team)

Pep Guardiola (Spain / Manchester City)

Jurgen Klopp (Germany / Liverpool)

Roberto Martinez (Spain / Belgium) )

Diego Simeone (Argentina / Atlético de Madrid)

Gareth Southgate (England / England National Team)

Ernesto Valverde (Spain / FC Barcelona)

Zinedine Zidane (France / Real Madrid)

The vote opens today and will end on August 10th between captains and national team coaches and journalists. The three finalists will be announced in early September and the winner will be announced on September 24 at London at the annual Gala FIFA .

Zinedine Zidane ] champion of Liga and Champions League was the winner in 2017 and aspires to repeat it although Didier Deschamps be the big favorite after winning the World Cup. 19659018]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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