The Brazilian press says that Erazo and BSC "evolve" in the negotiations


Source: StudioFútbol

The Globoesporte portal publishes a novelty about Frickson Erazo who returned to training at Vasco de Gama but apparently is about to leave, apparently from back to our country. 19659004] In this way, the Ecuadorian defender did not go to the work of preparing his team but worked separately until his near future was clarified.

It also states that there is a negotiation with BSC and that it has evolved Where they expect a definition in the coming days

If all of this materializes, reports Globoesporte, Erazo will cancel the loan with Vasco and Atlético Mineiro will lend it to the Ecuadorian club.

Erazo treina separado no Vasco, e negociação para sair evolui

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