The British government is struggling to hear a position on "brexit"


The Government of the United Kingdom in plenary session met today in the Prime Minister's country residence, Theresa May to attempt to s & rsquo; To hear about a position on the future trade relationship with the European Union, in an atmosphere of tension that reflects the deep divisions between the ministers.

After weeks of disagreement, May called her cabinet members this Friday at 09:00 GMT and the meeting is expected to last at least until 22:00 GMT, after which there is no guarantee that 39, a lasting understanding will emerge.

The Conservative leader said at the beginning of the meeting, at Checkers' official manor, in Buckinghamshire, that the government has "the opportunity and the duty" to agree on the "date of the meeting". a plan that will advance in the negotiations with Brussels for the exit of this country from the bloc, scheduled for March 29, 2019.

May delivered yesterday to his There is a strong minority of supporters of one "Brexit" radical, a 120-page document with a third proposal of customs system, after they have failed to agree on the two previous

. called "customs facility facilitated", would allow the UK to set its own tariffs while maintaining a commercial fluidity, without excessive customs controls, with the EU, since technology could determine the destination in advance In addition, according to the few details disclosed, the new plan of May provides that country maintains a regulatory equivalence with the 27 on trade in goods. but not services.

The proposed customs system, which would meet the conditions for maintaining the border with Ireland, could begin to apply at the end of the 21-month transition period after "brexit" and supposed to be fully operational by 2022, government sources said.

According to the press, the possible partial normative equivalence with Brussels has outraged the ministers who want to sever all ties with the EU, and seven of them, including the head of the "Brexit" David Davis and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson met privately last night to prepare their response.

For today's appointment, May has imposed the rule that participants must leave their mobile phones at the entrance, in order to prevent leaks, and has arranged taxi cards in case a minister decides to resign, when he would lose the right of an official car, reports "The Daily Telegraph."

Before this marathon day, the chief negotiator of the community, Michel Barnier, said at an event in Brussels that I will want to "adapt" his position if the UK changed its "red lines" with regard to the single market, the customs union and the European Court of Justice, but stressed that "not long ago". [19659003BalleyalsoindicatedthathewillrespondtothebrittanycapacitywhentheywillformallypresentedinanBlankBookthatLondonplanstosendthenextweekandwarnsthatitwillnotleadtoasinglemarketplace

In the UK, Brexit Labor spokesman Keir Starmer has called for the intensive meeting of Checkers to be "a viable agreement". and warn that "a truce in government will not be enough".

The chief minister of the Scottish Government, Nicola Sturgeon, warned in turn that "the worst possibility" is that the ministers "get out of the arm saying that they agree," because it will mean that it was forged "another cha puza" that will likely be "rejected" by the EU

According to the planned agenda, London and Brussels must agree on the framework of their future relationship for the October European Council, although the current EU President, the Austrian Sebastian Kurz, does not rule out extending the negotiations if necessary.

Kurz plans to visit the country next week, as will German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will attend the Western Balkans summit. the following Monday and Tuesday in the British capital. EFE

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