The Centro Democrático denounces the assembly to discredit Uribe


July 25, 2018, 17:04

The political party asked the Colombian president to reconsider his decision to resign from his seat and announced that he will present the testimony of the alleged badembly

Since the night of Tuesday, after experiencing the call to investigate against the former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez for alleged manipulation of witnesses, members of the Democratic Center Congress and lawyer Jaime Lombana denounced an alleged badembly to discredit the exmandatario. They claimed to have evidence of being invited to meetings and then accusing them of putting pressure on these witnesses.

The trial against Uribe began in February this year, the court closed an investigation against Senator Iván Cepeda, whom Uribe had previously reported for manipulating witnesses.

According to the Court, after the decision against him, Uribe and his relatives placed undue pressure on the witnesses.


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