The Chancellor receives the IACHR team for the case of murdered journalists – La República CE


ARCHIVER | QUITO-ECUADOR (05/04/2018). The International Relations Committee of the National Assembly receives the relatives of the Diario El Comercio journalists murdered after their abduction in the Northern Border. PHOTO API / CRISTINA VEGA. # NosFaltan3

The Acting Ecuadorian Chancellor, Andrés Terán today received the Special Task Force of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) which follows the case of the press team kidnapped last March at the border. murdered in captivity in Colombia.

The delegation is composed of the Vice-President of the IACHR Esmeralda Arosemena, the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the IACHR, Edison Lanza, and the expert of Luz Adriana Camargo, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained in a press release that the team of the IACHR, which will be in Ecuador until next Friday, will hold meetings with the families of the victims and with the authorities and institutions responsible for investigations.

The Ecuadorian government asked the IACHR to set up the Special Monitoring Team (SEA) to continue the work of "regrettable events that took the life of the journalistic team" indicates the official note.

The murdered press team was buried on June 29 after their bodies were found in Colombia

Journalist Javier Ortega, photographer Paúl Rivas and driver Efraín Segarra were kidnapped on March 26 in the region of Mataje, in the coastal province of Esmeraldas, border with Colombia, where they carried out journalistic work on the rise of violence in the region.

Shortly after, a dissident faction of the former FARC Colombian guerrilla self-proclaimed "Front Sinisterra Oliver" badumed responsibility for the kidnapping. On April 13, Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno confirmed the triple murder.

This group is also accused of the kidnapping and murder of Katty Velasco. Pinargote and Oscar Villacís Gómez, an Ecuadorian couple who had traveled to Esmeraldas

The couple's bodies were repatriated on July 6 after being identified in Colombia with the help of their relatives and buried two days later in their homeland. birthplace of Santo Dimanche des Tsáchilas. EFE

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