The controller found criminal evidence against Rafael Correa for debt abuse | NTN24


The Comptroller of Ecuador found criminal evidence against former President Rafael Correa, on this occasion for alleged mismanagement of short-term debt securities between 2012 and 2017, according to the report. agency announced Monday

. Under the previous government, Treasury Certificates (Cetes) were used to pay bonds acquired from public and private institutions.

These documents replaced expired debt obligations and were of longer duration than the 360 ​​days provided for by law. The AFP News Agency

Because of the above, the Contralo Pablo Celi said at a press conference that there was "a report with proof of criminal responsibility sent to the Office of the Prosecutor, which contains observations involving a group of officials, among others to the former president. "

Celi explained that the Cetes are used" to solve temporary deficits in cash or for the purpose of However, during the Correa government (2007-2017) "these two objectives were not achieved in all cases, since the Treasury Certificates were used as payment for the economy."

After the controller's statements, Correa reacted through his Twitter account, where he wrote "Follow the Clown and the Clown." How long will the Ecuadorian people last? Why does the press not start asking for the legal appointment of the "controller"? Everything is a matter of time. "

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