The Court of Cassation asks Interpol to issue a red emission for the capture of Correa


Rafael Correa ex-president of Ecuador in the digital link 1. Screenshot

The National Court of Justice (CNJ) of Ecuador reported today that he asked Interpol who issued the red broadcast against the former head of state Rafael Correa, after ignoring on Monday the precautionary measure to appear in Quito.

The NYC reported that the petition was sent yesterday after a judge accepted Monday's request Attorney General's Office to ask Interpol for the arrest and l '; Extradition of Correa, related to a case of attempted kidnapping against former Ecuadorian Ambbadador Fernando Balda in Colombia in 2012.

Judge Daniella Camacho ordered the pre-trial detention of Correa during a special hearing during which the precautionary measures imposed on the former president were revised on June 18, after being criminally related to the Balda case. [19659004] Correa, who has been living in Belgium for a year (the country where his wife was born, Anne Malherbe), had to appear before the CNJ, but decided to do so at the Consulate of his country in Brussels.

Monday hearing, the judge accepted the request of the prosecutor general in charge, Paúl Pérez to order the preventive arrest of Correa for failing to comply with the law. court appearance order, and also to issue a red broadcast to the Interpol requesting his arrest and extradition

Correa's lawyer, Caupolicán Ochoa, who had requested the hearing to replace the initial precautionary measures and that Correa could appear in Brussels, regretted the decision and pointed out that there was no "strict State Prosecutor's Request" of the state in of pre-trial detention, as prosecutor Perez has not yet officially taken up his duties.

"There is only one petition from the taxman the general in charge," who is not in possession " said Ochoa, who said that the process "does not seek justice but revenge."

The attempted kidnapping occurred in Colombia on the night of August 13, 2012, when he was approached by five people, four men and a woman, who violently introduced her into a vehicle and kept her for about an hour and a half, after which

In a recent interview with Efe Balda, he argued that there was strong evidence that Correa is involved in the order of his attempt at kidnapping

However, the former president (2007-2017) , who does not exclude seeking asylum in Belgium or another country, he badures that there is no such evidence and denounces that it is subject to political persecution and the media EFE

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