The deadly fire in northern California remains uncontrolled – La República CE


Fire in California. Photo taken from El Clarín.

The fire that strikes Northern California (USA), which caused five deaths and forced the evacuation of some 38,000 people, remains incontinent and in harsh weather conditions. The work of firefighters. " Climate is today a factor that really influences fire behavior and the ability to control it ," said Cheryl Buliavac, spokesperson for the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife. Protection. Against California fire (Cal Fire).

According to the National Weather Service of the United States. (NWS, in English), "a heat wave continues to spread in a part of the south-west (of the country) and California", accompanied by high temperatures, a dry environment and winds conducive to the rapid spread

The "Carr" fire in Shasta County killed five people, including 70-year-old Melody Bledsoe and two of his great-grandchildren, James Roberts (5). ). and Emily Roberts (4), Deceased at Family Home Saturday

Earlier, authorities on Thursday reported the death of Don Ray Smith, a bulldozer operator, and the day after Jeremy Stoke, a firefighter. from the town of Redding, the main town in Shasta County, 350 kilometers north of San Francisco.

According to Cal Fire, 517 structures (houses and buildings) were destroyed and 135 others damaged because of this fire. on July 23 for a "mechanical failure in a vehicle" and that Thursday spread its flames to the west of Redding.

Fire consumed in this area more than 36,000 hectares and despite the efforts of almost 3,400 firefighters and workers, who use 334 trucks and According to Buliavac, there are more than 5,000 homes that are threatened with being affected by the fire "Carr", according to local authorities

. California is currently fighting against 18 fires and helping the Oregon authorities to control another near the border, in a particularly difficult season, with the fire of "Thomas", which has devastated more than 121,000 hectares and was ranked as the most

The National Meteorological Agency noted that "the current excessive heat, badociated with low relative humidity and the presence of branches and dry grbad, is causing many fires that show explosive fire growth in the west. "

Among these fires is also" Ferguson ", in Mariposa County and near Yosemite National Park, which forced the closure several sectors of this site and consumed over 21,700 hectares.

The work of 3,861 firefighters and workers managed to contain the flames by 30%, according to state authorities.

The "Cranston" fire is still a threat, especially to Idyllwild residents in Riverside County, Southern California, which, after ravaging 5,300 hectares, was contaminated by 29%. .

This week, the Riverside County Attorney's Office accused Brandon McGlover, 32 years old, of being the prime suspect in causing this fire, in addition to eight others, and faces 15 criminal charges.

The situation this week led California Governor Jerry Brown to declare a state of emergency for Riverside and Shasta counties, as well as for Mariposa County.

Saturday, US President Donald Trump signed the state of emergency for California, which badumes that the federal government will lend

Through this directive, Trump has cleared the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to "coordinate all efforts in the relief effort."

According to information from Cal Fire, the year 2017 has been the # 39, one of the most devastating fire seasons for this state, with 46 deaths and about 559,000 hectares consumed by nearly 9,000 forest fires that destroyed 10,800 structures EFE


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