The death toll in fighting and attacks in southern Syria rises to 183 – La República CE


A column of smoke erupts after rebels threw a mortar against a residential neighborhood in western Aleppo, Syria on Monday, December 5, 2016. (AP Photo / Hbadan Ammar)

At least 183 people, between combatants and civilians, have died today in various attacks perpetrated in the city of Al Sueida, in the south of Syria and in fighting between government forces and the terrorist group Islamic State ] (EI), reported the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.

According to the NGO, among the victims, there are 89 civilians, including 11 women and three minors, and 94 combatants, mainly from surrounding villages. The city of Al Sueida

The death toll could be higher because of the severity of some of the wounded and those who are missing.

In addition, the NGO claimed that civilians had been kidnapped by militiamen. Islamic State (EI) and transferred to a territory controlled by jihadists in the desert north of Al Sueida

According to his account, 45 jihadists died, including seven terrorists who were explode this morning The official news agency Syria SANA, reported that a suicide bomber blew himself up in the area of ​​a market, while the forces of security have killed other people. two terrorists before they do the same thing.

The official source did not detail the number of dead and wounded in the attacks and added that military units have repelled attacks by Daesh terrorists (the Arabic acronym for 39; EI) on the cities of Al Matuna, Douma, Taima and Al Shibki. EFE

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