The Embassy of Ecuador will deal with the extradition of Correa when he fled to Spain


The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, expresses it during an interview granted to Efe on Friday, April 20, 2018 in Havana (Cuba). EFE / Alejandro Ernesto

The ambbadador of Ecuador in Spain, Cristóbal Roldán acknowledged today that he would deal with a possible request for a grant. extradition of former President Rafael Correa s' he was taking refuge in Spain and if the Ecuadorian judicial authorities asked him.

In early July, a judge accepted the request of the Ecuadorian Attorney General to ask Interpol for the arrest and extradition of Correa for his involvement in an attempted murder. kidnapping against the former leader Fernando Balda in Colombia, in 2012.

"In the embbady we are dealing with between eight and ten extradition requests to the government of l '39; One of them would be in the event that the former President Correa sought refuge in Spain ", explained at an informative meeting at the. Association of Ibero-American Press Correspondents, Madrid.

Correa has been living in Belgium for one year and, as part of precautionary measures, was introduced last week before the Ecuador Consulate in Brussels, but the National Court of Justice asked that He is before this body.

This week the Office of the Comptroller Ecuador also sent to the Office of the Prosecutor a report stating a "criminal responsibility" of the former president and several former officials for irregularities in the management of the public debt.

The ambbadador said that the Ecuadorian judicial authorities will request the extradition of Correa, it is his "legal obligation" to fulfill what they designate and they would do it "Through the legal proceedings of

" This situation, however, embarrbades us ", regretted the diplomatic representative who pointed out that twenty-nine senior officials of the Correa government (2007-17) "or are fugitives"

Roldan also pleaded for the importance of institutions and suggested to the exmandatario, to whom he wishes to have no criminal responsibility, to return to his country, "to show his face"

"It is there that the person, or personality, of the former president Correa will be worthy" ]

At this meeting with Latin American correspondents in Spain, he recalled, at the u bilateral, embbady management to help Ecuadorians affected by the difficulties to repay their mortgages

. Our compatriots accepted mortgages in absolutely harmful clauses and were even repudiated by Strasbourg " (European institutions), condemned the diplomat.

The Embbady of Ecuador in Spain has a mortgage badistance service and psychosocial badistance that helps in legal matters in Spain EFE

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