"The Energetic Sentence" of Ecuador for the violation of human rights in Nicaragua – La República CE


Two deaths in the attack of Ortega forces at Masaya # AFP

The government of the president Lenin Moreno today expressed his "deep concern" ] and "its strongest condemnation" for escalating violence in Nicaragua that caused at least 273 deaths and hundreds of injuries.

In an official statement, the Ecuadorian Executive echoes the figures provided by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Human Rights (IACHR) and "in accordance with its commitment to the promotion and international protection of human rights, reiterates its deep concern over the grave situation prevailing in Nicaragua".

At the same time, he expresses his "greatest condemnation the growing number of cases of human rights violations reported by the IACHR and the Nicaraguan and international organizations defending fundamental guarantees."

Who to reject in particular the recent "belligerent acts perpetrated by the public force against the students of the Autonomous University of Nicaragua and the members of the Catholic Church participating in the process of national dialogue" . ] Urges the Nicaraguan Government to guarantee and respect the rights of the civilian population, to investigate and punish those responsible for acts of violence, and to resume the necessary actions to find a peaceful and democratic solution to the crisis in the country Through the National Dialogue

Finally, he defends the facilitation efforts of the Dialogue and the work of the Special Follow-up Mechanism of the IACHR to alleviate the situation in Nicaragua

. The Organization of American States (OAS) supported a report of the IACHR, which targeted the government of Daniel Ortega [19459] 009] because of the high number of deaths, injuries and detainees in the conflict which started in April following protests against the reforms of the social insurance system in this country of Latin America.

On the basis of this report, the Ecuadorian government condemned then, but not as vigorously as now, acts of violence and called for restoring peace.

The protests against Ortega began on April 18, due to failed social security reforms and became a complaint that calls for the resignation of the president, after eleven years in power, with charges of abuse and corruption against he and in agreement with other human rights organizations in Nicaragua, the death toll at least 351. EFE

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