The filming of Pedro Almodóvar's new film – La República CE begins in Valencia


Madrid.- Shooting of " Dolor y Gloria", the new film by Pedro Almodóvar, started today in Valencia (East of Spain), as announced by his brother , the producer, on Twitter Agustín Almodóvar

" We started under the sky of Valencia, we go there," says the message accompanied by a photograph in which the director of "Volver" appears holding the flapper and accompanied by actress Penelope Cruz, who appears dressed in her character, dressed in a flowery dress and apron.

Antonio Banderas and Asier Etxeandía are the protagonists of the film, which will tell a director's story and address the theme of creative, cinematic and theatrical and the difficulty of separating it from his life.

The script, according to Almodóvar, tells "a series of meetings, some physical and others remember after decades, a director in his twilight: the first loves, the second loves, the mother , mortality, an actor with whom the director worked, the sixties, the eighties, the present and the void, the immeasurable void in front of the impossibility of continuing to roll. "

Julieta Serrano and Leonardo Sbaraglia are also part of the cast.

Pedro Almodóvar does not choose Valencia for the first time as a location: he has already done so in "Bad Education" (2004). EFE

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