The five powers and Iran reaffirm their commitment to the nuclear agreement


TEHRAN (IRAN), 14/07/2015 – Iranians celebrate in the streets of Tehran on Tuesday, July 14, 2015. The Iranian media and political badysts have reacted with joy and satisfaction today to the day. Announcement of the nuclear agreement between Tehran and the 5 + 1 Powers, interpreted as a triumph for Iran and especially for its negotiators in Vienna. EFE / ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH

Iran and the five global potentials remaining in the multilateral nuclear agreement of July 2015 reaffirmed today in Vienna their commitment to this treaty after its exit from the United States. United last May.

call release "Joint Commission" of the agreement, the Powers "reaffirm their full and effective commitment to the (nuclear) agreement, which is a key element of the architecture of non-proliferation. " [19659004] They also announce that they remain determined to seek ways to maintain the benefits that Iran expects from the agreement, including the protection of third country companies against the effects of extraterritorial sanctions. Americans against Iran.

Among these measures, they stand out preserve the financial channels with Iran and go ahead with oil and gas exports, despite the sanctions announced by Washington.

Maintain maritime, land and air transport between Iran and the rest of the world.

On the other hand, they want to support economic operators who cooperate with Iran, especially small and medium enterprises, and encourage more investment in the Islamic Republic.

"The participants (of the meeting) will work on these issues through bilateral efforts and cooperation with international partners, urging them to follow these same policies and to establish similar mechanisms in their economic relations with the world. # 39; Iran. " concludes the declaration

These conclusions were presented by the High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security of the European Union, Federica Mogherini, to the press in Vienna, but without admitting any questions.

"Joint Action Plan" (JCPOA), signed three years ago in Vienna, is in Prohibition due to new sanctions announced by the United States against Iran .

The JCPOA, whose ultimate goal is to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear bombs, predicts significant economic benefits for the Islamic Republic that are now being questioned by Tehran. like foreign companies investing in the country.

Iranian President Hasan Rohani said during a visit to Vienna this week that his country would remain "for the moment" in agreement, as long as the other signatory countries they can provide you with agreed economic benefits.

The United States wants to apply a new round of oil sanctions starting in November, including punitive measures for third countries and companies that trade oil with Iran. Iran and also according to the EU, are the ones who can cause the most problems to the Iranian economy. EFE

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