The government reiterates its support for the family of the couple kidnapped by the Guacho gang


The Ecuadorian Minister of Justice, Rosana Alvarado today reiterated the support of the Lenin Moreno government to the family of the couple abducted last April while 39, they went to the province of FARC

At a press conference at the airport in Quito, after the arrival of the corpses of the couple at the border, they have were killed in captivity by dissidents of FARC . The Colombian city of Pasto, Alvarado reiterated that different areas of the state will accompany the parents of Oscar Villacís and Katty Velasco in related processes, including investigations.

After expressing his solidarity with the parents of the couple, he stressed that it would be given ] "All the support of the Ecuadorian state to ensure that the investigations put all that families need to be able, in one way or another, to feel that justice is done and that the case does not go unpunished. "

The Kidnapping the couple was notified on April 17 by the Ecuadorian government, who then disclosed a video that had arrived in which he could be seen. In the video, the couple claimed that it had nothing to do with the situation of law and order on the Colombian border with Ecuador and asked President Lenin Moreno

L & # Abduction of the couple is attributed to a dissident group of FARC led by alias "Guacho" allegedly linked to drug trafficking and also responsible for the detention and murder of a newspaper journalistic team El Comercio, in the same month.

Alvarado today condemned the murder of the couple committed "by criminals who did not have any qualms in the youth of two people who they leave small children in the town. orphanage and broken families. "

He asked the country to" stay united "and to respect the difficult moment experienced by the relatives of the murdered couple " in Colombia ".

For his part, Deputy Minister Andrés de la Vega pointed out that "it is a fact that occurred in Colombia" and that the authorities of that country should provide the information to Ecuador . Ecuador sent specialized police officers to Colombia and from the beginning the work was coordinated with the government of that country.

"Once the Colombian authorities have finished the case, they will give their opinion to the counterpart, which is our prosecutor's office", said De la Vega, underlining that the Ecuadorian State has offered its support to the family of the murdered couple since the kidnapping was known.

However, parents consider that the government did not support them and claims that they left them "alone".

"We stayed alone because the government did not listen to us much, it did not help us, we stayed alone and because we are poor". Velasco, Katty's aunt, in statements to the press at the Quito Airport

and denounced that "there was a lot of negligence of the Ecuadorian government" .

The remains of Villacís and Velasco were found a grave in the Colombian department of Nariño (southwest), and the director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Colombia, Carlos Valdés, confirmed Wednesday that these are the two Ecuadorians

The kidnapping was notified on April 17 by the government of Quito, who at the time disclosed a video that had arrived. EFE

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