The governor of N.York demands the release of an Ecuadorian detainee in a military base


Photo: Archivo

The Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo today asked for the " Immediate Freedom " of Ecuador Pablo Villavicencio detained in an immigration prison after being arrested at a military base while he was delivering food.

Cuomo today sent a letter to the acting director of the Immigration and Customs Service (ICE), Ronald D. Vitiello, in which he states that the pizza delivery man Has no criminal record and was arrested while he was doing his job at New York .

" A month later, He is still separated from his wife and two daughters ," said Cuomo, the former Attorney General of New York, who also said that the treatment that he had received from immigration was "a flagrant abuse of power"

. Is the process due? Where is the humanity? Governor in the letter, in which he reiterated his support for Villavicencio and ruled that it is "inadmissible" to continue detaining while his case is heard in a court.

The pizza delivery man was arrested on last June 1 at the Fort Hamilton military base in the Brooklyn District, after a background check showed that there was an eviction order against him and he was taken to a detention center. Immigration to New Jersey

On June 9, a federal judge issued an order q It prevented him from being deported the next day until a hearing was held in which he could present his case, scheduled for July 24 before a federal court in Manhattan. but ordered that he remain in the custody of immigration.

Villavicencio 35 years old and married to Sandra Chica, an American citizen, had applied for permanent residence last February. The marriage has two daughters, born in the United States

In another attempt to secure his release, his lawyers presented on June 18 a legal document to the immigration authorities stating that he should not be incarcerated because it does not pose a danger to community, public or national security.

Villavicencio who emigrated to the United States. in 2008, he applied for asylum in 2010, which was denied and ordered by a judge to leave the country, which he did not do and for which an order of eviction was issued.

" This abuse of human rights is the latest in a terrifying model of shameful tactics, and in many cases, illegal used by the ICE ", pleaded Cuomo in the letter, in which he badured that the separation of families by the administration of President Donald Trump is "a moral outrage." " The recent conduct of immigration (in the arrest of Villavicencio) has no place in New York ", he says they will continue to "closely monitor" the activities of this agency and that legal measures will be taken if necessary.

Cuomo asked the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the conduct of immigration officers so that he alleges are violations of constitutional rights to target the people because of their ethnic background and today demanded to know the status of their claim. EFE


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