The head of the court intervenes in the court battle and keeps Lula in prison


Lula Da Silva. Republic photo file.

Sao Paulo, July 8th. – The President of the Regional Court of the Fourth Region (TRF-4), Thompson Flores, today established the judicial battle between two magistrates of the said court for the freedom of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and decided that the 39, former president of Brazil continues in prison.

Flores responded to an appeal filed by the Federal Public Prosecutor (MPF) to suspend the decision of security judge Rogerio Favreto, who today ordered the freedom of the leader of the Workers Party (PT), imprisoned since April 7 for pbadive bribery and money laundering.

The habeas corpus granted this Sunday by Favreto sparked great controversy and was opposed by a second judge, João Gebran Neto, instructor of the case Lava Jato in the second instance, who opened the pulse between the two magistrates.

Gebran Neto is one of three judges who make up the eighth room of the TRF-4 in Porto Alegre, a court that sentenced Lula this year to 12 years and a month for pbadive bribery and money laundering. # 39; money.

Despite Gebran Neto's decision, Favreto insisted and ordered in his last car that Lula was immediately released, but the federal police did not act because of the contradiction between the two judges "[19659004] The President of the TRF, however, pointed out that the decision on Lula's freedom is the competence of the instructor Lava Jato and

Thus, Thompson Flores put an end, at least temporarily, to a conflict on the freedom of the former Brazilian president, who must remain at the headquarters of the Federal Police Curitiba, where he is arrested for three months

Favreto, a judge who was on duty at TRF-4, Surprised today by granting Lula a habeas corpus and cited the candidacy of the former president for the presidential elections in October. as a "new" fact that must be taken into consideration for his freedom.

The PT has maintained Lula's candidacy despite his arrest, but according to the electoral law, he is virtually disqualified after his second-instance conviction

While waiting for his release, dozens of supporters gathered today before the federal police in Curitiba to express their support for the most popular leader of the Brazilian left. EFE

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