The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


13 national offices will have new leaders. The changes follow.

The national directorates of the Council of Justice are no longer chaired by trusted persons of Gustavo Jalkh's administration. The owners of 13 addresses have been removed from their positions. The decision was unanimously adopted by the Transitional Judiciary Plenary Session last Friday in resolution 006A-2018.

Changing people close to Jalkh was one of the priorities of the temporary members. This was explained by Angelica Porras, in an interview with La Hora, stating that "at the highest level there are loyalties", it was therefore necessary to do without these officials.

At the same time, the judiciary is preparing an badessment of the judicial servers to determine if their performance has been proven. "We will badess without fear, starting with the National Court, then all the courts, the provincial courts, all the prosecutors and, of course, all those who have held important positions in the administration of justice," declared the president. , Marcelo Merlo.

The Process
The decision to change the national directors is "obvious, natural and normal," according to constitutional lawyer Juan Francisco Guerrero. "When there is a change, all those responsible for free appointments, which are the most reliable and close, must be removed, especially when one of the offers has been unchecked from previous management that has subject to multiple interrogations, "he added.

Appointed directors for the national directorates of the management of the procedure and the communication. However, from the latter, it was learned that the appointment was not accepted
Guerrero insisted that if this change had not occurred, there would be a "disturbing message" "because the initial supply of vowels would not be satisfied. temporary to be relentless in the fight against corruption.

According to the latest resolutions, issued Monday and Wednesday of this week, are the directions: national, financial, human talent, information technology and communication, access to justice, planning, legal advice, innovation and administration, as well as the coordination of international relations and cooperation.

On the other hand, the evaluation of the judicial servers begins next week, announced Merlo. This, says lawyer Guerrero, should include three parameters: "if the servers were not splashed by acts of corruption, qualitative aspects of their work and the independence of judges at the time of decision".

The purpose of the evaluation should be to apply the "corresponding administrative processes so that the wrong servers are separated," concluded Mr. Guerrero. (AGO)

Selection of Provincial Directors
° During a two-day session between Wednesday and yesterday, the temporary members of the Council badyzed a by-law to define how to choose permanent provincial directors.

The president of the judiciary, Marcelo Merlo, put forward a selection criterion when he appeared before the Assembly's Supervisory Commission. "We have designed a mix," he said, referring to the solicitation of candidates from universities and civil society. From this bank of names, there would be a challenge to "find the best of the best". However, until the close of this edition, it was unclear whether the regulation was approved or not.

Licensed Employees

By National Direction

° Statistics: Juan Francisco Marín Espinosa
° Information and Communication Technologies: Ruperto Amaguai Ushca
° Human Talent: Pedro Maldonado Ulloa (charged)
° Access to Justice: Francisco Bonilla Soria (accused)
° National Center for Mediation: Francisco Bonilla Soria
° Communication: Ingrid Alexandra Coba Ortega
° Planning: Glenda Calvas Chávez
° Financial: Mario Lenin Camacho Viteri
° Administrative: Hugo Rodrigo Granda Vega
° School of Judicial Function: Pedro Maldonado Ulloa
° Coordination of International Relations: Juan Manuel Sandoval Ayala
° Coordination of monitoring and arrangements: Carmen Julia López Landázuri
° Auditor General: Rafael Alberto Gutiérrez Pazmiño [19659020] [ad_2]
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