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The work "Divorced, Evangelical and Vegetarian", based on the original text of Gustavo Ott, has its season at Casa Toledo Cultural Center.

The staging is in charge of Carlos González and have the performances of Ana Cristina Martínez, as Gloria (vegetarian); Marilu Vaca, like Beatriz (divorced), and Valentina Pacheco, as Meche (evangelical). Cristina Rodas participates as a producer. The functions culminate on July 22, Thursday to Saturday, at 8:30 pm, and Sunday at 6:30 pm

A hilarious comedy about three women in crisis, struggling with the world around them and with themselves. The problem: they have trouble understanding each other and want to understand others.

Driven by loneliness, they try to put their ideas in order and then do the same with their lives. Vegetarian, evangelical or divorced, everyone has an excuse and a refuge that, in the end, will be the portal to bring them to acceptance of themselves.

Tickets are $ 15 in general, $ 10 in cards and $ 7.50 in differential fare. Thursday $ 7.50 for all audiences. (DVD)

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