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According to the police, the man allegedly organized a fight with subjects who usually consume drugs.

The district of La Comuna is awake in shock. The lifeless body of a man appeared next to a field where neighborhood football is played.

Police surround the area with yellow ribbons to prevent spectators from approaching the site. People wanted to try to identify the corpse, but the gendarmes prevented it from preventing the crime scene from being altered.

The body had blunt injuries on the head, face and forehead. Apparently, the fatal injuries were caused by a rock that the police found close to the body.

In addition to beating him to death, the man was cremated by his attackers. It is not known whether he was burned while he was still alive

Criminology experts have identified burns over a large part of the body. During a sweep carried out near the crime scene, the agents found the flammable substance that would have been used. The liquid was taken as evidence for the investigation

Report of Expertise
Second Lieutenant Daniel Padilla, of the Forensic Team who witnessed the death, indicated that the 39; individual had no personal documents to know his identity. However, he said that "because of his appearance he would be a young man between 30 and 35.

The uniforms said that although the case is under investigation, the neighbors have provided valuable information which would locate the investigators. event

The young man's death would have occurred at 3:00 yesterday. At that time, the residents heard a fight between several subjects who usually meet near the court to consume drugs.

The exchange of insults has not so alarmed the community, that she is already accustomed to the scandals caused by night owls.

Police in charge of the security of the sector received the news of the death in the morning. (FLC)

° The forensic medical staff was responsible for moving the body to the morgue for post-mortem examination, where it will also take samples of fingerprints from the morgue. deceased. data processed by the institution and thus attempt to reveal the identity of the deceased.

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