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Ecuadorian Environmental Film Festival celebrates its third edition

"Pescador de Alta Mar" by Gustavo Crespo; Roberto Ochoa's "Galápagos Evolution" and Eriberto Gualinga's "Kawsak Sacha" are the three Ecuadorian short films to be presented at the International Film Festival ECOFORTER (EIFF).

Organized by the National Cinematheque, the third edition of the EIFF will be held from July 4 to 8 in the Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco Hall of the House of Ecuadorian Culture in Quito (CEC). The entrance will be free. The films vary between documentaries, short films, animations and stop motion

National Productions

For his documentary, the Guayaquil artist Gustavo Crespo travels the Ecuadorian beaches to show his current status through the experiences of its inhabitants.

Roberto Ochoa, along with Pierre Cousteau, son of the French explorer, Jacques Cousteau, and several internationally renowned divers, teaches the wonders of the seabed and makes a proposal on the possibility of peaceful coexistence with nature.

Finally, Eriberto Gualinga of Kichwa village of Sarayaku documents the development of a canoe that later became a symbol of the living forest of the Amazon rainforest and the struggle of its inhabitants to conserve natural resources.

International guests

The festival will also feature productions from the United States, the United States and Canada.

On the other hand, National Geographic, dusting off his files in "Jane" to tell the story of the English Jane Goodall, a woman whose research on chimpanzees has turned the 's. appearance of the natural world. Canadian production & # 39; Bird Lime & # 39; stands out for its stop motion format (Cinemateca Nacional). (DVD)

The Festival

° The International Film Festival ECOador (EIFF) is held for the first time in 2016. It is the first environmental film festival in Ecuador.

Independent, non-competitive and not-for-profit, the EIFF aims to foster dialogue and debate on the most relevant issues of conservation and environmental protection, to promote a culture of care, to defend the rights of nature and to promote an environmental culture

to be screened

° Canoa, Ben Saad, United Kingdom

° Kawsak Sacha & # 39; Eriberto Gualinga, Ecuador

° & # 39; & # 39 ;, Melissa Lesh, United States

° & # 39; Jane & Brett Morgan, United States, 2017

° & # 39; Fisherman on the high seas, Gustavo Crespo, Ecuador

° & # 39; Sorbets, Linda Booker, United States, 2017 [19659017] "We are Galápagos", Kum Kum Bhavnani, Ecuador

"Galápago's Evolution", Roberto Ochoa, Ecuador

° & # 39; Yochi, IlanaLapid, United States

° & # 39; Bird Lime, Evan De Rushie, Canada

° & # 39; Anot's Arch, Matthew Rytz, Canada-Kiribati

"Water Warriors", Michael Premo, USA

° & # 39; Albatross & # 39 ;, Chris Jordan, USA


films will participate in the festival


Last year, the festival attracted more than 3,000 spectators.

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