The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Alejandro Tagliavini

Jorge Zepeda Patterson says that "narco has come to the polls". According to its history, the narcos decided that the officials are not reliable, even bought; and that it is safer to have yours. This would explain the killing of 49 candidates during the recent Mexican election campaign, which would reach 123 people including civil servants.

In almost all cases, they are candidates for a local political position: mayors of small and medium-sized cities. It can be said that 49 are few in a country where the number of murdered will exceed 25,000 this year. But enough to change the electoral process because there are hundreds who prefer to give up or bend and give in to the pressures of local capos that usually begin to require the command of the police.

The phenomenon is regional, says Zepeda, and would not have influenced the victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) who has proven to be the most supported president in the world. recent history of the country, with 53% of support and nearly 25 million votes, a blank check, if you take into account the power that will accumulate in Congress, to accomplish the promised "fourth transformation".

The country experienced something similar in 2000, when Vicente Fox, a conservative PAN governor, was the first in history to withdraw the PRI from the presidency and foresaw great changes that ultimately , did not occur. Everyone badumes that Mexico needs a refoundation, is the clearest message left by the recent vote, but will it be?

A friend is probably right who says that neither one nor the other should be moved while there is not a lost chavista or a Soviet of the seventies. It's just half Peronist. Authoritarian and pragmatic. He will not be either the messiah that the left hope, nor the cuckoo that the right fears. What will be good, is the dynamic with the neighbor Trump (that of Peña Nieto has already touched the unworthiness). I think these two will like each other. Many and they will be used. Many too. "

The elected president of Mexico is surrounded by businessmen, ex-PRIs and expansionists." Six months ago, he presented his cabinet. Governmental, whose boss will be businessman Alfonso Romo, who bridged with a previously closed sector, entrepreneurs, and went in 2011 with the support of PAN Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón. Wall Street Journal questioned the integrity of his business

Yeidckol Polevnsky, the most visible face of the campaign and formerly held senior management positions in financial institutions, will be among his close badociates. will be Marcos Fastlicht, construction and art entrepreneur, father-in-law of Emilio Azcárraga Jean, president of Grupo Televisa, and vice-president of the Mexico-Israel Cultural Institute. There will also be Tatiana Clouthier Carrillo, daughter of Manuel Clouthier Maquío, an emblematic leader of the PAN, who i designed campaigns such as the hashtag #AMLOve. Finally, we call the expander Manuel Espino, one of the most conservative characters of politics in Mexico
Revolutions – sudden changes – do not exist, unless & # 39; they do not destroy, because in the cosmos everything evolves slowly, like animals and plants that grow a little faster or more slowly, but still step by step.

* Member of the Advisory Board of the Center on Global Prosperity, Oakland, California. @alextagliavini

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