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The National Cinematheque will offer a workshop for the preservation of the audiovisual heritage.

The House of Ecuadorian Culture (CCE), its Cinematheque, Unesco in Quito, among others, organize the "Workshop on Capacity Building for the Preservation of Ecuadorian Audiovisual Heritage". It is developed as part of the "Memory of the World" program, an initiative promoted in 1992 by Unesco for the protection and access to the historical documentary heritage of cultures.

THE DATA [19659005] Only 40 participants will be able to access the workshop. In 2014, this organization asked to take urgent measures to protect the audiovisual heritage, under the theme "At-risk files: much more can be done".

At that time, Irina Bokova, Director-General of Unesco, emphasized that measures must be taken to preserve historical audiovisual archives, as they are the basis of identity and collective memory ; as well as a source of innovation. The workshop, free of charge, will give a certificate issued by the National Cinematheque and Unesco.


The workshop will take place from July 23 to July 28, from 9:00 to 18:00
The workshop is developed in the goal of strengthening the skills of people related to the preservation of archives. country film. In addition, it aims to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the audiovisual heritage as an integral part of national identity. The course will be theoretical and practical and will address the themes of film preservation and digitization. Interested persons can apply online until July 13th. As a precondition, it is necessary to have experience in the following areas: archiving, cataloging, digitization, audiovisual production, librarianship or related.



á María Fernanda Jurado Coelho and Gustavo Lucio José will be in charge of the workshop. Jurado Coelho has more than 30 years of experience in audiovisual preservation. She has been working in the field of audiovisual archives since 1979. She has been coordinator of the preservation of the Brazilian cinematheque for several years. Although she retired from the public service, she still acts as a consultant. For his part, Gustavo Lucio José is responsible for the Digital Restoration Cinematography Laboratory at the Cinematheque of UNAM (Mexico), where he also directs digital laboratory projects.

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