The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Manuel Castro

When we do an action, good or bad, we are pragmatic. Today, there is a requirement that we are pragmatic in politics, it is practical, not theoretical, useful. Such a requirement in principle is absurd, since thought precedes action. The human being with all his irrationalities is rational, because he acts first by reason or belief.

The communist revolution in the USSR lasted 80 years not because it ended tsarism, social injustices (or attempts) but because it was based on Marxism-Leninism. When these ideas or predictions failed, the system collapsed.

Another bbad but real example: the mini-skirt. This is not because women began using it in the 60s as badual freedom emerged. This way of dressing has arisen because badual freedom has begun to flourish. When, in 1968, it was said "forbidden to ban", gay pride, the right to abortion and other manifestations that were once scary were not born.

It was the result of the idea of ​​unlimited freedom, "to be just and free, not to become an accomplice, nor the silence of the egoists and the mighty", as swore and expressed the poet Shelley. , constrains the world to change or less to respect individual freedom

Against all logic, many argue that a good badly applied theory is disastrous (they give the example of the failed Marxist revolution, to the point that There are neo-Marxists). It is a belief that does not correspond to the truth, because what fails is the theory. Maybe it's almost religious fanaticism, "deadly enemy of the culture of freedom," says Karl Popper, who leads to reinventing failures, with new names like 21st-century socialism or Podemos or MORENA (now pale ideology from Lopez Obrador)

No need to despise ideologies, since there is no option to remove them. As Vargas Llosa says, we need an open society where freedom and tolerance prevail, avoiding a closed society at the origin of totalitarian governments or nationalisms: "Horrible enemy heresy of Western civilization", as qualified by the liberal Popper

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