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Until yesterday he took four of the 12 children out of the cave. The mission continues today



Rescue teams removed four of 12 children and one adult trapped for more than two weeks in a cave in northern Thailand yesterday. , in a complicated operation that will resume Monday

The four survivors were transferred by helicopter to Chiang Rai Provincial Hospital, where their state of health will be badessed.

Narongsak Ossottanakorn, official spokesman for the rescue teams, said the situation of the children is "perfect", but refused to specify their names or their ages. "The mission was more successful than expected," said the spokesman.

Four children were eventually removed from the cave, after local media, citing official sources, spoke at the beginning of six. 19659005] The official asked the media not to be swept away by rumors, referring to local media reports that pointed to two other children who had been evacuated.

The mission continues
Today relief work will resume, interrupted yesterday because the rescue teams must replace the compressed air bottles placed along the route and evaluate the new phase of the project. 39; operation. [19659005"Wearegoingtostartbetween10amandlessthantwenty-four"saidNongongsakwhowaspreviouslyreportedtobedoingthisprogressivelyandcouldtaketwoorthreedays

The remaining nine trapped in the cave, about four kilometers deep, where they were found Monday after a search started 15 days ago

The first saved came out of the cave at 17:40 local time (05:40 Ecuador time) and the second ten minutes later, while the other two were delayed more than two hours

This first operation of Evacuation was faster than expected by the authorities.

International entity formed by 18 divers entered the cave with the will to return accompanied by the victims, twelve minors between 11 and 16 years old and an adult of 26.

The rescuers -13 foreigners and five members of the navy Thai – They traveled about 4 kilometers of dark pbadages with partial floods and unevenness to reach the group that accompanied them to go abroad.

The children, many of whom did not even know how to swim, received inside the grotto during intensive course on handling the immersion equipment.

The Scenario
Heavy rains fell during the night and this trip to the area marked the beginning of the rescue operation.

Precipitation was one of the main concerns of the authorities, because the water filtered by the mountain can re-flood the galleries and cancel the drainage carried out since the twelve schoolchildren and their guardian were found alive .

The Antecedents

° The thirteen prisoners entered the galleries on June 23 after a football training, when a sudden storm began to flood the cave and cut off the exit.

The discovery of the group produced after nine days of intense research in which more than 1,300 people participated.

Minors and adults locked up could then partially recover their strength, helped by doctors and psychologists inside the cave.

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