The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The country has made 111 requests for cases that remain active. There are 32 orders from other nations in the country.

The country has 143 uncompleted extradition proceedings, among those that Ecuador has requested from other countries and those that have been requested from outside.

This is confirmed by the data provided by the National Court of Justice (CNJ) in La Hora. They specify that the cases are related to crimes of public action, characterized by the Penal Code, whose sentence is greater than one year of imprisonment.

Although the NYC refrained from indicating which cases in which extradition was requested, because "the information contained in the files is treated prudentially because their publication may have negative effects on the effectiveness of extradition ", there are at least five emblematic people who have not been able to conclude favorably extradition

The week last, the Court asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct diplomatic actions in the United States. to speed up 44 orders in this country. On June 27, its president, Paulina Aguirre, made the formal request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as there are cases, like the former president, Jamil Mahuad, sentenced for embezzlement to 12 years in prison, and the brothers Roberto and William Isaias, sentenced for embezzlement at age eight, which have not occurred for more than five years.

The cases
Of the 143 processes in progress, 111 are active and correspond to requests made by the country. Another 32 are liabilities for orders from other countries to Ecuador. These are to ensure the presence of a defendant in criminal proceedings or sentenced to serve his sentence.

If the extradition proceedings are not conducted, the consequences are the non-prosecution of the crime and its filing, without there being a decision on the innocence or the guilt of the person called to trial, such as that of the police officer, Eduardo González, linked to the attack in a pharmacy in Guayaquil on November 19, 2013, or impunity when the cases have already been convicted.

Extraditions are made through agreements of Ecuador with other countries.
This happens with Mahuad's processes; the Isaiah brothers; Pedro Delgado, cousin of the former president, Rafael Correa, convicted of embezzlement, and former Comptroller General Carlos Pólit, sentenced to six years for concussion in the Odebrecht case

The Prosecutor's Office and the NYC have made several requests to the United States. for the extradition of the five convicts, but there was no response.

During the visit of the Vice President of this country, Mike Pence, the Court took the opportunity to solicit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (AGO)

Inquiries for Interpellation
° The country has made extradition requests to Interpol, but none are in effect, as evidenced on the website international police. The red broadcast requested against the former president, Rafael Correa, related to the illicit badociation and kidnapping of politician Fernando Balda, is ongoing, no one so do not know if it will be accepted or not.

On the other hand, Interpol has on its list 13 Ecuadorians who are wanted by several countries, such as the United States, Russia and Guatemala, in the cases of homicide, drug trafficking , rape, among others.

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