The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


A light drizzle accompanied the funeral procession that began yesterday at noon in a house of the Santa Martha housing co-op. From there Katty Velasco's coffin was escorted by the Patrol and the National Motorized Police.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the central cemetery, where a crowd accompanied them until the end. A 20-minute break allowed Adelaida Pinargote, the girl's mother, and the other family and friends, to say goodbye to Katty for the last time. The pain surpbaded Ana, the sister of the deceased, who fainted next to the coffin.

Moments before they close the niche, the drizzle is over and the sky is filled with balloons. In the end, the flowers and offerings were placed in the honor of Katty Velasco.

A culprit
More than an hour has pbaded and the cries have sounded in the cemetery. This time, at the pace of the National Police band, entered the central cemetery of Santo Domingo the casket with the body of Óscar Villacís, Katty's boyfriend. Niche 410 was reserved for him. A tent allowed the last stop, in which family and friends sent him back. His sister, Elvia Villacís, said that "the only responsible is the President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, because since the release of the video, he has abandoned them, told us that they would help them and then stated that he would not negotiate with the drug traffickers.

For 80 days, Katty's parents and Oscar hoped to find them alive, which did not happen.
Friends and family acquaintances also expressed sadness and condolences to the family. While the coffin was being raised until the last home of Oscar, family members of two young men murdered in Colombia were shaking their pain in a tearful embrace, where the words of encouragement were only convey the message of continuing to fight until justice is done. (ARR)

° Elvia Villacís explained that when she arrived in Colombia to identify the body of her brother Óscar, she was first shown documents that she 39, she did not believe to be sufficient proof to guarantee him relative

Then they showed him some pictures, showing his hands, a ring and the tattoo of his brother. With these characteristics he could identify it, because the body was in an advanced state of decomposition.

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