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The President of the United States Donald Trump, expressed his "confidence" on Monday that the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will honor the contract "" Nuclear Disarmament who both signed at their historic meeting on June 12 in Singapore.

On this occasion, Trump and Kim spoke of a path to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and moved toward a relaxation in the "I am confident that Kim Jong Un will honor our signed contract and, above all, , our handshake, "Trump said in a message posted on Twitter.

However, Trump suggests in the same message China – North Korea's main international ally – could play a questionable role in the denuclearization efforts of the peninsula.

"China, on the other hand, could put negative pressure on the agreement because of our position on the trade exchange.I hope not!", A writes the President of the United States on Twitter

reference to the bitter trade dispute that Washington and Beijing began last week, with the imposition of high tariffs on reciprocal imports.

Beyond the mention of a "contract" signed between Trump and Kim, and the confidence of the US president, relations between Washington and Pyongyang were again strained this weekend.

On Sunday, the North Korean government rejected US "unilateral and gangsterile" claims for the dismantling of their nuclear capacity.

This vision of an alleged Chinese influence over North Korea in retaliation for the trade war had been mentioned by conservative lawmaker Lindsey Graham, an ally of Trump in Congress.

"I see China's hand in all this," Graham told the FoxNews television network, referring to the change of tone on the part of the North Korean authorities

The hard tone used by the government North Korean strongly contrasts with the optimistic speech used by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who made another trip to Pyongyang last week.

According to the senior US official, the last round of dialogue had been a success, even though he gave no details about the progress of North Korea's nuclear disarmament.

Pompeo's trip to Pyongyang, the first after the Singapore summit, aimed to obtain real commitments from North Korea on the progress and modality of dismantling its nuclear capacity.

On July 1, the American newspaper The Washington Post claimed, citing unnamed sources in the US government, that North Korea was trying to preserve some of its nuclear storage and production facilities. United States of America

The current Secretary of State was a centerpiece in opening a channel of communication with North Korea, to the point of having made a secret trip to Pyongyang while he was still director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for a meeting with Kim.

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