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° Tells a myth that, at the time of Inti Raymi, a widowed, sad and lonely man had gone to sleep after the party, suddenly he heard the clamor of dancing in the courtyard. He got up ready to offer festive food and shisha, he stopped before leaving. The trampling of the dancers was so strong that it made the ground tremble, the music of the flutes seemed to come from everywhere and the lively voices of the dance were heard like thunder.

In contemplating those who danced, the man realized that they were human-shaped beings that had two faces on the same head, big ears and noses. Also, her hair was very disorganized, as if she were "arrested". The apparition lasted a few moments and, with the same rapidity with which they had arrived, they disappeared. He was so impressed by this strange event that he decided to make an identical outfit. Trying to remember all the details, he started dancing like "Aya". in every Inti Raymi.

Socially and culturally, Aya Uma is the mystical and popular figure who leads, acclaims and directs the main ceremonies, festivals, rites and traditional dances of the Kichwa people in the different provinces of the country.

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