The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


Editorial QUITO

The Assembly today approved a resolution rejecting the expressions of Presidents Evo Morales, of Bolivia, and Nicolás Maduro, of Venezuela, who are trying to sow doubt on the issue. Independence of Justice in Ecuador

The resolution was approved with 85 affirmative votes, 21 negative votes and 5 abstentions, on the basis of a motion presented by Byron Zuquilanda, CREO, and after almost an hour of debate.

Those who did not support the resolution were legislators linked to the former president Rafael Correa, with whom Morales and Maduro in solidarity for the judicial process that faces the abduction of ex-legislator Fernando Balda

"We can not talk double morals, we will protect the principle of sovereignty," said Ximena Peña, coordinator of the Alliance COUNTRY movement.

Peña was the only one to participate in the ruling block debate. At the request of César Rohon, of the Christian Social Party, also included an article in the rejection of a statement by the Venezuelan ambbadador to Quito, who criticized lawmakers in recent days for having received the former mayor of Caracas, Antonio Ledezma, persecuted by the Chavez regime

The debate has pbaded, without major incidents. On the contrary, in today 's session there were hugs in the positions occupied by the legislators of the runners and those of Alianza PAÍS.

By order of the President, Elizabeth Cabezas, and after a crossword between María José Carrión and Marcela Aguiñaga, during the session last Thursday, the two groups occupy separate seats in the plenary hall.

"Welcome to your new seats. I hope you feel comfortable, "said Mr. Cabezas during the installation of today 's session, which has garnered applause on the part majority of legislators. (DRV)

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