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The evacuation of children and their football teacher trapped in a flooded cave in northern Thailand ended yesterday, after the survivors had spent more than two weeks underground.

"The 12 wild boars – the name of their team – and their trainer were evacuated from the cave," said the elite body of the Thai navy that participated in the rescue.

But why did they stay without going out into the cave? Here is the answer to this question and other questions about the case that caught the attention of the world

Party or nightmare?
The celebration of a birthday has turned into a nightmare. In the afternoon of June 23, 12 children and one of their football coaches decided to go inside the Tham Luang cave in northwestern Thailand to celebrate. the birth of one of the children

. to be an evening of joy turned into a nightmare: the young people and their coach were trapped in the cave. After nine days without news of them, the group was safely located about 4 km from the entrance to the cave. Yesterday, it was confirmed that the team members and their coach had been evacuated successfully.

1. When did they arrive at the cave?
The team met for his soccer training on June 23 at 10 am. Ekapol Chanthawong, badistant coach of the Jabalíes Salvajes Children's Club, posted a live video on his Facebook account at 10:42 am

At approximately 3:00 pm this Saturday, the National Park staff where the Tham Luang Cave found 11 bicycles parked in front of the entrance to the cave.

One of the parents later told the park staff that he could not communicate with his son. This led the authorities to inquire about the whereabouts of the adolescents.

2. What did they do at this place?
Media in Thailand indicate that the group entered the cave after playing football to organize a surprise party for one of their clbadmates.

A member of the team who is not joined, identified as Game, told the Kaosod newspaper that they had already visited the cave three times, but never during the rainy season which makes it very risky.

3. How were they caught?
Shortly after the team entered the cave, heavy rains began to fall

The water flooded the interior of the cavity and the entrance was blocked.

and his trainer was trapped inside while the water levels increased rapidly, so they entered the tunnel system to find a safe place.

The Tham Luang cave is 10,316 meters long and the fourth longest in Thailand

All indicated that the growth of water levels in the various caves led them to go further and further until they are safe.

4. How they survived alone
It is one of the points with less information available.

Children are known to bring food for the birthday party, but not exactly how much or how difficult it was to preserve and ration it.

Before finding them, the authorities were convinced that the group would have drinking water because of rain leaks.

However, according to the letters sent from the inside, we know that the food was what they were waiting for. More cravings, "like never before," they said.

Another of the difficulties they had to go through were the changes in temperature, because although at this time of year the interior of the cavern is about 26 ° C, the Children said

Keeping high spirits was certainly a key factor that fell to the 25-year-old coach, said Luis Urzúa, one of the Chilean miners saved in 2010 after being left behind . trapped 70 days underground.

5. How did the rescue happen?
After 9 days of perdition, two divers found the miners and their trainer about 4 km from the entrance to the cave.

The British Rescue Council's Bill Whitehouse said the BBC had to navigate "through partially flooded pbadages", which made it impossible to leave without the proper equipment.

After basic training in diving and swimming, rescuers began the rescue operation on Sunday four children divers took a child on a trip to take him across the 4 km of road.

Heroes of our time

The diver who died to the rescue

° The diver Saman Kunan, 38 years old, and ex-member of the forces of Thailand's elite navy died during the rescue operation.

° Saman volunteered and carried oxygen between two points of the underground network, which must be done in stages because the distances are very large

° After transporting the provisions, the diver lost consciousness when he left the cave complex Tham Luang – a five-hour tour –

"After delivering a supply of oxygen, he ran out of air back, "said Pbadakorn Boonyaluck, vice-governor of the province.

° "He was unconscious on the way home, his partner was trying to revive him and remove him without success," said Major Arpakorn Yookongkaew. 6] ° For many, Ekapol Chanthawong, the 25-year-old football coach, was imprudent in putting the kids in the cave. Some even accused him of being guilty. But this is not the first misfortune that presents itself to him in life: when he was 10 years old, his parents and brother of 7 died of a respiratory illness.

According to the Daily Mail, a young aunt reports that Ekapol he had to be interned in a monastery where he became a Buddhist monk.
He then devoted himself to football. And when the tragedy occurred, he sent a letter to the parents of the children asking for their forgiveness and promising to take care of the children. Families said that they did not have to forgive, but to thank. He is another of the heroes.

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